Abhilash Singh
Date of Joining at NITK:
Professional Experience:
My research interests include Brain Injury Biomechanics, Road Traffic Accidents, Sports Injury, Solid Mechanics, Experimental Mechanics, Brain Injury Prevention during Impact - Ballistic - Blast Loading, Developing Safeguards, Finite Element Modelling, and Computational Mechanics.
I received my Ph.D. from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, and my M.Tech. from Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad (MNNIT Allahabad).
My doctoral thesis primarily focused on measuring the full-field deformation (high spatiotemporal strain) of brain simulant under impact loading and establishing a relationship between head kinematics and corresponding brain simulant strains during impact loading. Furthermore, I extensively studied brain simulant strains with and without helmets, worked on animal models, and obtained full-field, 2D strains in a midsagittal plane of a goat head under dynamic loading. The strain response in the brain simulant was compared against the response in the goat brain. Additionally, I proposed anti-rotational pads to mitigate the rotational motion of the head (Patent has been published).
Before joining NITK, I worked as a Research Engineer at the Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences (INMAS) – DRDO, Delhi."