International Journals (SCI/SCIE/ESCI):
1. Bidesh Singha, Devendra L Kamble, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu, Narendranath S and Ravindra. I Badiger. “Optimization of measured mechanical characteristics of selective microwave hybrid heating processed Inconel 625/ SS 304 weldments using multi-objective JAYA algorithm coupled with multi-attributes decision making R-method”, Measurement, Elsevier, Volume 240-2025, Page 115553/1–115553/14,
2. Balaji V, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu and Narendranath S. “Process Parametric and Performance Characteristics Study of WED Machined Ni-Ti-Hf High-Temperature Shape Memory Alloys: An Experimental and Artificial Intelligence Approach”, Smart Materials and Structures, Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing, 2025,
3. V Veeranaath, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu and Infanta Mary Priya. “Experimental and Computational Studies on Characteristics of Indigenously Produced Novel Aegle Marmelos Micro Polymer Reinforced Aluminum Composites using Powder Metallurgy”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Springer Verlag-The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, Volume 39(2)-2025, Page 587–610,
4. Devendra L Kamble, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu, Narendranath S and Ravindra. I Badiger. “Influence of microwave power and EWAC-1004EN filler size on characteristics of Inconel 625 and SS 304 weldments produced using microwave irradiation hybrid joining system”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer, 2025. (Article in Press)
5. M. Indra Reddy, Prabhu S, and Ranjeet Kumar Sahu. “Comprehensive Characterization of Novel Jute Fabrics with Musa Paradisiaca Leaf Agro-Waste Based Micro Cellulosic Fillers Reinforced Epoxy Composites for Lightweight Applications”, Fibers and Polymers, Springer, 2025,
6. M. Indra Reddy, Prabhu S, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu and K.S.R. Raju. “Jute/Basalt Fabrics in Microcellulosic-filled Epoxy Composites for Lightweight Applications”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Elsevier, Volume 323-2024, Page 129640/1–129640/13,
7. V Veeranaath, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu and Infanta Mary Priya. "Influence of Process Parameters and its Optimization on Wear Behavior of an Exceptional Aegle Marmelos Polymer/Aluminum Composite", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Springer-American Society for Metals International, Volume 33(23)-2024, Page 13596–13617,
8. V Veeranaath, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu and Infanta Mary Priya. “Influence of Inhouse Synthesized Micro-Aegle Marmelos Polymer Concentration on Physico-Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Based Composites”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer, 2024,
9. M. Indra Reddy, Prabhu Sethuramalingam and Ranjeet Kumar Sahu "Isolation of Microcrystalline Cellulose from Musa Paradisiaca (Banana) Plant Leaves: Physicochemical, Thermal, Morphological, and Mechanical Characterization for Lightweight Polymer Composite Applications", Journal of Polymer Research, Springer, Volume 31-2024, Page 114/1–114/16
10. Mahadevuni Bhaskar, Balaji V, Narendranath S and Ranjeet Kumar Sahu “Machining parameter optimization of WEDM for Ni50.3Ti29.7Hf20 alloy using TOPSIS and grey wolf optimization technique”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Springer-American Society for Metals International, 2023,
11. Devendra L Kamble, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu, and Narendranath S. “Characterization of Inconel 625-SS 304 weldments developed by selective microwave hybrid joining technique for promising applications”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Springer-American Society for Metals International, Volume 33(13)-2024, Page 6693–6705,
12. Jitendra Kumar Sahu, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu, Jitendra Kumar Katiyar and P. Sai Kiran. “Optimization of process parameters for dimensional stability in FDM”, Proceedings of the iMeche, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, SAGE Publisher, 2023, Page 1-10,
13. K V J Bhargav, Kaushik Raj Pyla, PS Balaji and Ranjeet Kumar Sahu. “Micromachining of Al7075 alloy using an in-situ ultrasonicated µ-ECDM system”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Taylor and Francis, 2023, Volume 38(13)-2023, Page 1663–1675.
14. K V J Bhargav, PS Balaji, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu and Jitendra Kumar Katiyar. “Exemplary Approach using Tool Rotation-Assisted µ-ECDM for CFRP Composites Machining”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Taylor and Francis, Volume 38(3)-2023, Page 271-283.
15. K V J Bhargav, PS Balaji and Ranjeet Kumar Sahu. “Micromachining of Borosilicate Glass using an Electrolyte-Sonicated-µ-ECDM System”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Taylor and Francis, Volume 38(1)-2023, Page 64-77.
16. K V J Bhargav, PS Balaji and Ranjeet Kumar Sahu. “Generation of microchannels on PMMA using an in-house fabricated µ-ECDM system”, International Journal of Materials Research, De Gruyter, 2023,
17. K.V.J. Bhargav, P.S. Balaji, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu and Moussa Leblouba. "Experimental Investigation on Machining Characteristics of Titanium Processed using Electrolyte Sonicated µ-ECDM System", Scientific Reports, Nature, 12, Article No: 15540-2022, Page 1-18.
18. K V J Bhargav, Shanthan P, PS Balaji, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu and Susanta Kumar Sahoo. “Generation of microholes on GFRP composite using ES-μ-ECDM system”, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Elsevier, Volume 38-2022, Page 695-705.
19. K V J Bhargav, PS Balaji, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu and Jitendra Kumar Katiyar. “Multi-response Optimization and Effect of Tool Rotation on Micromachining of PMMA using an In-house Developed μ-ECDM System”, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Elsevier, Volume 38-2022, Page 473-490.
20. Vaibhav Singh, Anuj Kumar Sharma, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu and Jitendra Kumar Katiyar. “State of the Art on Sustainable Manufacturing using Mono/Hybrid Nano-cutting Fluids with Minimum Quantity Lubrication”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Taylor and Francis, Volume 37 (6)-2022, Page 603-639.
21. Vaibhav Singh, Anuj Kumar Sharma, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu and Jitendra Kumar Katiyar. “Novel Application of Graphite-Talc Hybrid Nanoparticle Enriched Cutting Fluid in Turning Operation”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Elsevier, Volume 62-2021, Page 378-387.
22. Seshaiah Turaka, K. Vijaya Kumar Reddy, R. K. Sahu and Jitendra Kumar Katiyar. “Mechanical Properties of MWCNTs and Graphene Nanopartciles Modified Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Nanocomposite”, Bulletin of Materials Science, Indian Academy of Sciences, Springer, Volume 44 (3)-2021, Page 194/1-194/14.
23. U. Hari Babu, N. Vijaya Sai and Ranjeet Kumar Sahu. “Artificial intelligence system approach for optimization of drilling parameters of glass-carbon fiber/polymer composites”, Silicon, Springer, Volume 13-2021, Page 2943–2957.
24. Biswajeet Nayak and R. K. Sahu. “Experimental and Digimat-FE based representative volume element analysis of exceptional graphene flakes/aluminium alloy nanocomposite characteristics”, Materials Research Express, IOP Publishing, Volume 6 (11)-2019, Page 116593/1- 116593/13.
25. R.K. Sahu and Somashekhar S. Hiremath. “Role of Stabilizers on Agglomeration of Debris during Micro-Electrical Discharge Machining”, Machining Science and Technology, Taylor and Francis, Volume 23 (3)-2019, Page 339-367.
26. Saroj kumar Padhi, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu, S.S. Mahapatra, Harish Chandra Das, Anoop Kumar Sood, Brundaban Patra, A.K. Mondal. “Optimization of Fused Deposition Modeling Process Parameters using a Fuzzy Inference System Coupled with Taguchi Philosophy”, Advances in Manufacturing, Springer-Verlag, Volume 5 (3)-2017, Page 231-242.
27. R.K. Sahu, Somashekhar S. Hiremath, P.V. Manivannan. “Ultrasonic Technique for Concentration Characterization of Copper Nanofluids Synthesized using μ-EDM: A Novel Experimental Approach”, Powder Technology, Elsevier, Volume 284 (2015), Page 429-436.
28. R.K. Sahu, Somashekhar S. Hiremath, P.V. Manivannan and M. Singaperumal. “Generation and Characterization of Copper Nanoparticles using Micro-Electrical Discharge Machining”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Taylor and Francis, Volume 29 (4)-2014, Page 477-486.
29. S. Datta, R.K. Sahu, S.S. Mahapatra, A. Biswas, G. Majumdar. “Optimisation of Percent Dilution and HAZ Width of Submerged Arc Weldment using Taguchi Philosophy Coupled with Fuzzy Inference System”, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, Inderscience, Volume 13 (4)-2014, Page 430-449.
30. Ranjeet Kumar Sahu, S.S. Mahapatra and Anoop Kumar Sood, “A Study on Dimensional Accuracy of Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) Processed Parts Using Fuzzy Logic”, Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production, De Gruyter, Volume 13, Number 3 (2013), Page 183-197.
International Conferences:
1. Balaji V, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu, and Narendranath S. “Artificial Neural Network-Based Prediction of Wire EDM Control Parameters during Machining of Ni50.3-Ti29.7-Hf20 SMA” 9th International and 30th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2023), December 8-10, 2023, IIT BHU, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.
2. Devendra L Kamble, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu, Narendranath S and Ravindra I Badiger. “Influence of selective microwave hybrid heating process parameter on the tensile strength of Inconel 625/SS 304 dissimilar weldment” 9th International and 30th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2023), December 8-10, 2023, IIT BHU, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.
3. V Veeranaath, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu and Infanta Mary Priya. “Experimental Study on the Effect of Compaction Pressure on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Matrix Composites”, 1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering: Researches and Evolutionary Challenges (ICMech-REC-2023), June 23-25, 2023, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Warangal, Telangana, India.
4. V Veeranaath, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu and Infanta Mary Priya. “Effect of Blending Duration on Physical, Mechanical and Tribological Behavior of Aluminum Matrix Composites: An Experimental Analysis”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, Volume 98 (2024), Page 47-53,, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Material Science (ICAMEMS-23), 20-23 April 2023, School of Mechanical Engineering, VIT - AP University, Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh in association with Binghamton University, State University of New York. (Scopus Index)
5. Devendra L Kamble, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu and Narendranath S. “Metallurgical and mechanical characterization of Inconel 625/SS 304 weldments produced using selective microwave hybrid joining technique”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, 2024,, 2nd International Conference on Materials, Design, and Manufacturing Process (ICMDM-2023), 23-25 February 2023, Anna University, Chennai, India. (Scopus Index)
6. K V J Bhargav, Shanthan P, PS Balaji, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu and Susanta Kumar Sahoo. “Micromachining of CFRP composite using an in-house developed µ-ECDM system”, Proceedings of the 20th ISME conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 19-21 May 2022, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Ropar, India.
7. K V J Bhargav, Shanthan P, PS Balaji, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu. “MOJAYA coupled with R-method for optimization of machining parameters used in the generation of micro holes on GFRP composite using an in-house developed µ-ECDM system”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques, 28-30 January 2022, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT) Surat, India.
8. Devendra L Kamble, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu, S. Narendranath, R.I. Badiger. “Effect of Input Power and Interfacial Powder Size on Microwave Joining of Different Materials: A Review”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, Volume 46(1) (2021), Page 194-197, 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing, Materials Science and Engineering (ICMMSE), August 07-08, 2020, CMR Institute of Technology, Medchal (M), Hyderabad, India. (Scopus Index)
9. Jitendra Kumar Sahu, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu and Jitendra Kumar Katiyar. “Study on improvement in geometrical dimensional accuracy of 3D printed parts”, International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN 11), December 12-14, 2019, IIT Indore, India.
10. Ranjeet Kumar Sahu, Vijay Kumar Pal and Pankaj Kumar. “Micro-structural and Size Accuracy Study of Electro-Chemical Machined Aluminium alloy Features”, 7th International and 28th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2018), December 13-15, 2018, Anna University, Chennai, India.
11. Biswajeet Nayak, R. K. Sahu and P. Karthikeyan. “Study of Tensile and Compressive Behaviour of the In-house Synthesized Al-Alloy Nanocomposite”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Institute of Physics Publishing, Volume 402 (2018), Page 012070/1-012070/7, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2018), March 22-24, 2018, SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai, India. (Scopus Index)
12. Karthick K, R.K. Sahu and Pankaj Kumar. “Simulation Study on Performance Characteristic of Electro-Chemical Micro Machining Process”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Institute of Physics Publishing, Volume 402 (2018), Page 012071/1-012071/9, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2018), March 22-24, 2018, SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai, India. (Scopus Index)
13. K. Chandra Sekhar, B. Sudheer Premkumar and R.K. Sahu. “Experimental Investigation on Performance Characteristics of Aluminium Electrode using a developed µ-ECM Method”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN 10), Volume I, Page 376-380, ISBN: 978-93-80689-28-9, December 07-09, 2017, IIT Madras, India.
14. R.K. Sahu, Somashekhar S. Hiremath. “Synthesis of Aluminium Nanoparticles in a Water/Polyethylene Glycol Mixed Solvent using μ-EDM”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Institute of Physics Publishing, Volume 225 (2017), Page 012257/1-012257/7, International Conference on Advanced Material Technologies (ICAMT), December 27-28, 2016, DIET, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. (Scopus Index)
15. Ankur Srivastava, Rahul, Kumar Abhishek, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, Machinability Analysis of Aluminum Alloy 6061 in Electro-Discharge Machining: Effect of Tool Material, 1st International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ICETiME 2016), Volume I, Page 1-10, 23-24 September 2016, Faculty of Science and Technology, The ICFAI Foundation of Higher Education (IFHE), Hyderabad.
16. R.K. Sahu and Somashekhar S. Hiremath. “Synthesis of Aluminium Nanoparticles using a Novel Micro-EDM Technique”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN 9), Volume I, Page 1-4, December 10-12, 2015, IIT Bombay, India.
17. R.K. Sahu, Somashekhar S. Hiremath, P.V. Manivannan, M. Singaperumal. “An Innovative Approach for Generation of Aluminium Nanoparticles using Micro Electrical Discharge Machining”, Procedia Materials Science, Elsevier, Volume 5 (2014), Page 1205-1213, International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering (ICAMME 2014), March 27-29, 2014, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Surathkal, Karnataka, India. (Scopus Index)
18. R.K. Sahu, Somashekhar S. Hiremath, P.V. Manivannan, M. Singaperumal. “A Novel Approach for Generation of Copper Nanoparticles: An Antibacterial Agent to Protect Food from Bacteria”, Poster Book of Walkway of Discovery at Bangalore India Bio Conference (BIB 2014), 14th Edition, Organized by Department of IT, Biotechnology and S&T, Government of Karnataka during February 10-12, 2014, Bangalore, India.
19. R.K. Sahu, Somashekhar S. Hiremath and P.V. Manivannan. “Investigation on Copper Nanofluid obtained using Micro-Electrical Discharge Machining for Dispersion Stability and Thermal Conductivity”, Procedia Engineering, Elsevier, Volume 64 (2013), Page 946-955, International Conference on Design and Manufacturing (IConDM 2013), organized by IIITD&M Kancheepuram, July 18-20, 2013, Kancheepuram, Chennai, India. (Scopus Index)
20. Sahu, R.K., Somashekhar S. Hiremath, P.V., Manivannan, M., Singaperumal. “Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles using Micro Electrical Discharge Machining”, Proceedings of the 4th International and 25th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (25th AIMTDR), Volume II, Page 1181-1186, ISBN: 978-93-82062-92-9, December 14-16, 2012, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.
21. R. K. Sahu, Somashekhar S. Hiremath, P. V. Manivannan, M. Singaperumal. “Generation of nano copper particles using electro-discharge micromachining process and their characterization”, Proceedings of the 4th International conference on Advanced Nano Materials (ANM 2012), Page 156-162, ISBN: 978-93-80689-16-6, October 17-19, 2012, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) in association with (University of Aveiro, Portugal) Chennai, India.
22. D.M. Padhy, R.K. Sahu, S. Datta, S.S. Mahapatra. “Use of Fuzzy Expert System Combined with Taguchi Philosophy for Parametric Optimization of EDM on UTS 304 Grade Stainless Steel”, Proceedings of the International conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE 2011), Theme: Modern trends in industrial Engineering, Volume I, Page 771-776, November 17-19, 2011, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, in Association with Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIIE), NHQ-Mumbai, India.
23. Shailesh Dewangan, C.K. Biswas, R. Ganjir, R.K. Sahu, A.K. Mondal, K.K. Kanaujia. “An Investigation on Electro Discharge Erosion of Mild Steel using Fuzzy Logic”, Proceedings of the 5th International conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME-2011), Volume 1, Page 706-710, June 06-08, 2011, S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat, India.
24. Ranjeet Kumar Sahu, Anoop Kumar Sood and S.S. Mahapatra. “Improving Dimensional Accuracy of Fused Deposition Modelling Processed Parts using Desirability Function Approach”, Global Trends and Challenges in Design and Manufacturing - Proceedings of the 3rd International and 24th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (24th AIMTDR), Volume 3, Page 247-252, December 13-15, 2010, Andhra University College Of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, India.
(1) Somashekhar S. Hiremath and Ranjeet Kumar Sahu, "Method for Generation of Nanoparticles using Advanced Mechanical Micro-Machining Technique", Indian Patent Application No. 4294/CHE/2014; Publication Date (U/S 11A): 01-07-2016; Patent No: 347900, Date of Grant: 28-09-2020.
(2) Shabarish P. Pillai, Anand R. John, Yash Jamkhedkar, Sachet Rao and Ranjeet Kumar Sahu, “Multi Degree of Freedom Bipedal Bot System”, Indian Patent Application No. 201941044099, Publication Date (U/S 11A): 11-09-2020, FER submitted Date: 24-01-2022; Patent No: 535363, Date of Grant: 26-04-2024.
(3) A Single-step Method for Production of Magnetorheological (MR) Fluid using Spark Discharge Technique”, Indian Patent Application No. 202241010082, Docket No. 16863, Filing Date: 25-02-2022, Publication Date (U/S 11A): 01-09-2023, FER submitted Date: 21-01-2025.
Book Published:
(1) Ranjeet Kumar Sahu, Somashekhar S Hiremath. “Corona Discharge Micromachining for the Synthesis of Nanoparticles: Characterization and Applications” 1st Edition, Print ISBN -9780367224738; eBook ISBN – 9780429275036; DOI:, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, New York, June 2019. - (Currently Available in World’s Renowned University Libraries including Top 5 University Libraries).
Reference links of the Book available in World’s Top 5 University Libraries: • • • • •
(2) Jitendra Kumar Katiyar and Ranjeet Kumar Sahu. “Modern Manufacturing Technology: Spotlight on Future” 1st Edition, Print ISBN - 9781032066394; eBook ISBN – 9781003203162; DOI:, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, New York, December 2021. (Currently Available in World’s Renowned University Libraries including Top 5 University Libraries and also available in NITK Central library).
Reference links of the Book available in the University Libraries across the Globe:*1meyef*_ga*MTg4MTcw...;
(3) Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, Ranjeet Kumar Sahu and TCSM Gupta. “Sustainable Lubrication” 1st Edition, Print ISBN - 9781032061962, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, New York, 2023.
Book Chapters:
(1) Sahu, R.K.; Hiremath, Somashekhar S. “Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM): Nanoparticle Generation.” In Encyclopedia of Plasma Technology, 1st Ed.; Shohet, J., Ed.; CRC Press, Taylor & Francis: New York, 2017; Vol. 1, 432-442.
(2) R.K Sahu, Vijay Kumar Pal and Pankaj Kumar. “Micro-structural and Size Accuracy Study of Electro-Chemical Machined Aluminium alloy Features”. In Advances in Micro and Nano Manufacturing and Surface Engineering, Series Editor: J. Paulo Davim, ISBN 978-981-32-9424-0, ISBN 978-981-32-9425-7 (eBook), Springer Nature, Singapore, 2019; Vol. 4, 721-729.
(3) P.S. Suvin and Ranjeet Kumar Sahu. “Sequential Laser and Electrical Discharge Machining”. In Electric Discharge Hybrid-Machining Processes: Fundamentals and Applications, 1st Ed.; Edited by Basil Kuriachen, Jose Mathew and Uday Shanker Dixit; eBook ISBN No. 9781003202301, Chapter 11, 225-238, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis: New York, 2022;
(4) K.V.J. Bhargav, P. Shanthan, P.S. Balaji, and Ranjeet Kumar Sahu. “MOJAYA Coupled with R-method for Optimization of Machining Parameters Used in the Generation of Micro Holes on GFRP Composite Using an In-House Developed µ-ECDM System.” In Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques, 1st Ed.; Edited by Venkata Rao, R., Taler, J; eBook ISBN No. 978-9811992858, Print ISBN No. 9789811992841, Chapter 8, 75-86, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer, Singapore, 2023;
Conferences/Workshops Organized:
(1) Five days National E-Workshop on “Design & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (DMAM-2021)” organized from 15-19 February 2021, Sponsored by TEQIP-III, NITK Surathkal.
(2) 2nd Virtual International Tribology Research Symposium 2021 (ITRS 2021) co-hosted by Department of Mechanical Engineering, NITK Surathkal in association with SRM Institute of Science and Technology Kattankulathur, other two Indian Universities and two Foreign Universities from December 8-10, 2021.
(3) DST-SERB Sponsored Five-Day Online Workshop on “Recent Advances in Manufacturing Processes for Industrial Applications (RAMPIA)” organized from February 21-25, 2022, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NITK Surathkal.
(4) DST-SERB Sponsored Five-Day Online Workshop on “Vehicular Vibrations Control with Modern Suspension Systems (VEVICMOS)” organized from August 21-25, 2023, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NITK Surathkal.
(5) 13th International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN-13), co-hosted by Department of Mechanical Engineering, NITK Surathkal in collaboration with NIT Calicut (Host Institute), IIT Palakkad and IIST Thiruvananthapuram from December 13-15, 2024.
(6) 1st National Conference on Climate Resilience and Environmentally Sustainable Technology (NITK-CREST 2025) co-organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, NITK Surathkal in association with Department of Chemical Engg-NITK, Department of Civil Engg- NITK, Department of E&C Engg-NITK, Department of Computer Science Engg-NITK and Department of M&M Engg-NITK from February 27, 2025 to March 01, 2025.
Invited Talks:
(1) Delivered an online technical talk in the Two-Days International Symposium on “Mechanical Engineering & Technologies” held during March 29-30, 2024 organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, GIET University, Gunupur, Odisha.
(2) Delivered technical talk in the One-Day National Workshop on “Nanofluids: Applications for Heat Transfer and Energy Systems” on January 04, 2024 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India.
(3) Delivered an online technical talk in the Five-Days National Workshop on “3D Printing: State-of-Art and Future Prospects (3DP-2023)” held during July 15-19, 2023 organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha, India.
(4) Delivered an online technical talk in the Five-Days National Workshop on “Additive Manufacturing: Knowledge and Skill Development towards Industry 4.0 (AM-KSD 2023)” held during June 10-14, 2023 organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha, India.
(5) Delivered technical talk in the SERB Sponsored High-End Workshop (Karyashala) under Accelerate Vigyan Scheme on “INDUSTRIAL TRIBOLOGY: TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE APPROACH” held during May 15-22, 2023 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai, India.
(6) Delivered an online technical talk in the SERB Sponsored High-End Workshop (Karyashala) under Accelerate Vigyan Scheme on “GREEN MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING: CONCEPTS, PRACTICES AND NEEDS” held during June 23-29, 2022 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Meghalaya, Shillong, India.
(7) Delivered an online technical talk entitled “ADVANCEMENT IN MICROMACHINING FOR DEVELOPMENT OF NOVEL ENGINEERING MATERIAL” in One Week AICTE Sponsored Short Term Course during March 14-19, 2022 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai‐600036, Tamil Nadu, India.
(8) Delivered an online technical talk in the AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Sponsored 5 Days Faculty Development Program on “RECENT ADVANCEMENT IN MANUFACTURING PROCESSES (RAMP-2021)” held during December 27-31, 2021 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (Formerly University College of Engineering Burla, Government of Odisha), Sambalpur, Odisha, India.
(9) Delivered an online technical talk in the QIP Sponsored Short Term Course on “MECHATRONICS AND MANUFACTURING AUTOMATION (MMA-2021)” held during October 4-8, 2021 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Arunachal Pradesh, Jote, Papum Pare, India.
(10) Delivered an online technical talk in the AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Sponsored 5 Days Faculty Development Program on “NOVEL MATERIALS: FABRICATION, DESIGN & OPTIMIZATION (NMFDO-2021)” held during September 20-24, 2021 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (Formerly University College of Engineering Burla, Government of Odisha), Sambalpur, Odisha, India.
(11) Delivered an online technical talk in the AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Sponsored 5 Days Faculty Development Program on “NOVEL PERSPECTIVES IN THE APPLICATION OF NANO AND MOLECULAR MANUFACTURING” held during September 20-24, 2021 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, MEA Engineering College, Perinthalmanna, Kerala, India.
(12) Delivered an online technical talk on “INNOVATION IN ADVANCED MACHINING AND SPOTLIGHT ON AN ARTIFICIAL SMART SYSTEM IN THE FIELD OF NANOTECHNOLOGY: LEAPFROGGING RESEARCH” in the One Week AICTE Sponsored Short Term Course held during April 26th to May 1, 2021 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai‐600036, Tamil Nadu, India.
(13) Delivered an online technical talk on “GENERATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF NANOPARTICLES USING µ-EDM AND THEIR APPLICATION IN THERMAL FLUID FLOW SYSTEM” in the One Week AICTE Sponsored Short Term Course held during March 22-27, 2021 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai‐600036, Tamil Nadu, India.
(14) Delivered an online technical talk in the One Day Webinar Series on “ADVANCEMENT IN NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY” on October 31st, 2020 organized by Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, South Campus, Panjab University (Central University), India.
(15) Delivered an online technical talk in the TEQIP-III Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “RECENT ADVANCEMENT IN MANUFACTURING AND MATERIAL PROCESSING (RAMMP-2020)” held during September 10-14, 2020 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (Formerly University College of Engineering Burla, Government of Odisha), Sambalpur, Odisha, India.