Industrial Pollution Control
Course Name:
TH801 Industrial Pollution Control
M.Tech (Thermal Engineering)
Elective Courses (Ele)
Credits (L-T-P):
(3-0-0) 3
Introduction: Man and the environment, Consequences of pollution growth, Impact on environment by industrial
growth. Air, water and soil pollution. Energy generation and environmental degradation,, Noise and odour pollution ill effects of pollutants, Particulars, smoke, gaseous pollutants, formation and control, Meteorology, Plume dispersion studies, particulates,Waste water treatment, Legal aspects and pollution control.
C.S. Rao, Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1994. Henry C. Perkins, Air Pollution McGraw Hill W.L.
Faith, Air Pollution control, John Wiley
Charles E.Baukal, Jr :Industrial Combustion Pollution and control, Marcel Dekker, Inc, N.Y. 2004
Arcardio.P.Sincero and Gregoric.A.Sincero, Environmental Engineering : A design Approach, Printice Hall. 1996
Mechanical Engineering